
     Hi everyone, thanks for coming to the That-A-Boy temporary mp3 page! We just got finished recording our new EP very very early in the morning on Monday, August 21st.

     Right now we're still looking for a permanent host for our mp3s, and our webpage thataboy.net should be rolling out pretty soon as well. In the meantime, we're also in the process of getting listed on mp3.com, so be sure and scope that out too!

     Thanks to everyone who's emailed us, talked to us after shows, bought one of our kickin' shirts, or just came to a show and had a good time. Be sure and stay tuned, and as always, bug us at [email protected], thanks alot!

  The mp3s!
 White Trash Amy  WhiteTrashAmy.mp3 2.41mb 
 Larisa  Larisa.mp3 3.37mb 
 Vegans Schmegans  Vegans.mp3 2.77mb 
 Sho' Nuff, the Shogun of Harlem  ShoNuff.mp3 4.01mb 
 We Love You Bob and Ian  BobandIan.mp3 1.70mb 
 Krystal Not-So-Clear  krystal.mp3 4.23mb